Submission For January 2019 session, you need to submit the assignments by March 31, 2019, and for July 2018 session by September 30, 2019 for being eligible to appear in the term-end examination. Assignments should be submitted to the Coordinator of your Study Centre.
Ignou Assignment Guru 2018 19
DescriptionCourse Code: MCS-022Course Title: Operating System Concepts and NetworkingManagementAssignment Number: BCA (6)-022/Assignment/2018-19Maximum Marks: 100Weightage: 25%Last Date of Submission: 15th October, 2018 (For July, 2018 Session)15th April, 2019 (For January, 2019 Session)This assignment has eight questions of 10 marks each. Answer all questions.
Rest20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhancethe explanations.
Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments givenin the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Answer of each part ofthe question should be confined to about 300 words.Question 1: (a) Write the purpose of VPN and name the VPN technologies supportedby Windows 2000.
(5 Marks)(b) List the main contents of Password files and where are they locatedin Windows? Also, explain the concept of Shadow passwords?(5 Marks)Question 2: (a) Compare the role and responsibilities of user mode and kernel modeof Windows 2000 system. (5 Marks)(b) List the important components of domain name server. Also, explainhow the domain name server is configured in LINUX operatingsystem. (5 Marks)Question 3: Discuss the Users’ Administration in WINDOWS 2000. What are thedifferent types of user groups supported by Windows 2000?
Discuss thescope and limitations of each group. Also, list the tools available inWindows2000 for user management. (10 Marks)Question 4: (a) Discuss the tasks performed by LinuxConf package. (5 Marks)(b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of different LANtopologies. (5 Marks)Question 5: (a) Explain the role and importance of following tools for quotamanagement in Linux: quotacheck repquota quota(6 Marks)(b) Compare the security features/mechanism of Windows2000 andLinux operating systems. (4 Marks)Question 6: (a) Why is the audit view limited to specific users only in windows2000? (5 Marks)5(b) Explain the purpose and features of registry management.
Ignou Solved Assignment 2018 19 Free Download
Also,explain the uses of it. (5 Marks)Question 7: Write a shell script that searches the file contents in a directory and itssub-directories for a text string given by the user. It list all such filenames having that given string and store in a temp file “exampledir”(10 Marks)Question 8: (a) What is backup? What are the strategies followed in Linux forbackup? (5 Marks)(b) What encryption function is used by Windows 2000 operatingsystem?